UMX Eflite Carbon Cub SS Build from Parts?


Junior Member
Hey all!

Getting into this float plane theme... (I have an upgraded brushless Super Cub that I love), I saw the UMX Carbon Cub was equip-able with floats. It looks like a neat plane, but at $170... that's a lot for a something half the size of even the cub.

I noticed online that you can buy separate parts in case of damage... ie replacement fuselage, wings, etc. Is it possible to piece together a Carbon Cub that way and save a few bucks? Just curious. I see they have spare fuselages but there is no mention of a receiver with it, or engine...

Just wanted to know if anyone tried it. I know some guys do it with Super Cubs and save like $50.



Junior Member
Just purchased a Carbon Cub

I looked into building one of these CC like you have mentioned...but then I found a few used ones on Ebay from some great people at RC4U77..After winning the auction, for $46 I have one...Yeah there's a few creases here and there and maybe a bad $10 servo but Im still way ahead of the game. Plus you can get the floats for under $20 on Ebay too. So take a look there first, it will give you a good base to start.


Junior Member
Anyone have any advice or instructions for removing the old servo and putting in the new one? The ESC/board is very small in this thing. Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks


Junior Member
Servo replacement...

Well you need to go to Harbor Freight and get a small set of phillips screw drivers because those screws are tiny!
Also while your there grab a head mounted magnifying glass or something of the sorts.
Once you got all those things you will need to extend the wires on the new servo because they come too short...ugh.
So I just snipped some off the old one and spliced it together.
After you have the servo off you will see two contactor rails on the board where the servo sat...take an eraser and clean the copper or tin rail. This will make sure its clean with good contact. Now just replace with the new servo....good luck!
I just did this same exact thing and still didnt I contacted the person I bought the plane from on Ebay and they sent me a new board..Hope this helped.