This Goblin was built with the heavier Office Max foamboard, 2205 Red Bottom F pack motor, 20 amp esc on a 3 cell battery.
I initially flew it with a 6x3 2 blade prop because that has been my go to prop for the minis. When I flew it at FF I was disappointed and miserable. It would barely fly. It had no power at all. Couldn't even pull a loop from level flight. Then I met my new friend Brian.
Brian had a much much lighter brown foamboard version of the Goblin and his was ballistic. Mine was just too heavy I thought. But he also had a cool 5x5 three blade prop installed. I asked him about it and bummed a prop off of him.
Man!! What a difference. With the prop change, I could launch easier, had nice speed and great vertical. Now I was happy.
This plane flies great and is a big step up in FT performance. I like it! Be aware of one thing though. It is extremely sensitive on the roll axis. I flew with 35% throw on the roll axis and it still rolled faster than I was accustomed. This should be
Sunday's combat. The Goblin is there. You need to scroll down to find the video. It's a reply by Jimmy Allen.
@PsyBorg No personal video. But if we get something from Sunday's combat we'll see it.