Update: after much grief with printing scale and having a wing warp (must have absorbed some moisture) I finally finished a masters series spitfire and got some flights into it. I have four factory planes, but this one is my favourite. It flies so well. I am using a 3536 1300kv motor on a 50a ESC. I had been flying it on a 3S 2200 battery, but it balances and flies better on a 4S 3000. I had a spare 11x7 prop that I threw on it. I haven’t tested its wattage but it flies great with it and I haven’t fried anything yet. Use a 63mm spinner. It is the fastest plane I own and literally has unlimited vertical. However, it will slow down to a crawl when facing a light breeze. It is surprisingly floaty. If you have flown the simple spitfire you will likely prefer this one due to its size. And in the air it looks very scale. It flies as well and even though the wing is not undercambered it is only slightly more prone to tip stalls. It is so light you can just power out of any stall with no effort. It flies very scale. Rolls are slow and aileron authority is modest. Elevator authority is rather extreme, but not in a bad way. You can always scale throws back and add expo. Mix in a little rudder with ailerons and it will carve turns in beautiful arcs. It’s larger size makes it substantially easier to maintain orientation, which I find extremely important particularly for novice fliers like me. I also prefer the masters builds. The plane is much stronger, more scale, a great flier and moulding the foam is easy. I’d rather do that than build boxes. I don’t imagine I’d build another simple design again. Just be sure to get the scaling right when you print the plans. Best of luck, to anyone thinking of building this plane. I can’t recommend it enough.