Versa Wing: a brief history


New member
Version 1: pointed nose
First attempt found me in a field slightly too small. Shortly after launch as I attempted to get a feel for control, I got stuck in a tree. Had to climb it from the roof of my vehicle. This was not what I had in mind...
I proceeded to a bigger field and joyfully flew for a half hour or so with only minor crashes. I ended the day by losing track of where I was and crashing into the only tree around for a quarter of a mile.
Trees are 2 for 2 on the scoreboard. This particular tree might have more than 2 total points.
Next time I flew was also blissful, and upon deciding to conclude my flying, I accidentally nosed into the dirt. See the first image. Split right in half.

Version 2: blunt nose
I was thrilled to discover this option and the advantages it gave. Figured losing a little foam to cutting the broken edges straight couldn't hurt. Many happy flights and a handful of crashes later, it seems too wobbly to retain control and is now retired. See the second image.

Version 3: slightly customized
In an attempt to strengthen the nose, I cut a wedge of pressure treated wood and glued it into the front most part. I accidentally nosed this one into the dirt recently and can detect no damage to the nose. Version 2 bulged outward on top and bottom after its own nose dive, so I think this might be a success. I did still need more weight to balance it, however. I also modified the design of the vertical stabilizers and left only a little protruding below the wing. Since I have been belly landing it, I wanted to reduce the likelihood of bending despite otherwise successfully landing.

I had heard that this plane was a good choice for windy days, and I completely agree. I have yet to fly it on a really calm day; it's been windy every time I've taken it out. It feels very agile, and I gained a lot of experience. I began by just trying to keep it in the air and level-ish. After only a couple of hours I have gotten quite comfortable playing in the wind. I only quit when I begin to fear that it will be difficult to get the plane back close to me. It's fun to watch it face into the wind with a ground speed of about 0 and then dive or turn around and speed up so rapidly. I think this is a good choice for a trainer, whether buddy boxing or for a first or second model for a new pilot. The gentle frisbee throw launching, the rear mounted prop not instantly broken in a bad landing, and the agility are great advantages.

Notes: I ran this with 2S batteries, a 1400kV motor, and an 8x4 prop. General averages of flight time are what, 10 minutes? I've flown on two batteries and then discovered that nearly an hour has passed. I jumped up to a 9x6 prop looking for a little more speed. Seems to move pretty quick at full throttle, and I find it more fun going a little slower and only occasionally making a fast pass.

Many thanks to the FT crew!

