Wanted - bat bone frame, 2 straight motor mounts, motors, escs...


New member
I am looking to build a similar model as am article posted that turned 2 bat bones into a foldable quad. I loved the design, and decided to go all out for my first quad bigger than a mini...

I know I know. But I have been flying planes a while now, flew a few small rtf, bnf quads no problem, and am going to be using ardupilot to help me progress. I am going to be taking my time getting parts only when I can find a deal to keep my overall cost on what will probably be my most expensive rc item ever built...

That said, I have just purchased 1 bat bone frame and 2 straight ft motor mounts. Looking for anyone that either knows of a great deal for new, or has a very gently used item(s) that I need to complete my build. Also looking for feedback on suggested setups. I like the altitude hobbies quad pack, but can get so much cheaper at HK or used...not sure that I want to go used on the motors and escs however...

Anyway, I rambled enough, what it am in need of:

1 bat bone frame
2 ft straight motor mounts
Controller board (looking at the hkpilot mini)
915Mhz telemetry
GPS with compass (seems like the NEO-6M would be good)
Power module with xt60
Power distribution solution?
4 motors (based on reading around and ft recommendations I have looked at anything from the park 300, to the suppos, to NTM series, I do know I want more than the 24g motors)
4 ESC (SimonK, maybe the afros, the rctimer ones, ipeeka, from 20-30A based on motors I get)

I think that is it. Any suggestions of setups, deals, something to sell me, please let me know. Maybe multis were not right for you and you want to unload some stuff? 😄

I know this turned into more than a wanted thread, but I really am looking to buy the things, so figured I would leave this long drawn out post here...



Junior Member
Hello Tim

Sorry for the long delay in responding to your post on the Batbone X Quad build as I have been spending most of my time troubleshooting
problems with a tricopter build that is consuming all my free time. I have ditched that project for now and revisited the Batbone X build. Working on a complete upgrade to the Batbone X using parts purchased for the tricopter. For my power distribution I use 16 gauge wire soldered to my ESC wires with XT60 plug, Ubec to power the FC as the ESC BEC's can fail (I have lost two on the same build causing it to crash). Im now uing 980 kv Tmotors with 10x5 or 11x5 Graupner props (11x5 give me a bit more lift for FPV gear 10x5 used for sport flying) on 2200 3s. I have gone through the Batbone X to shed as much weight as possible in an attempt to get to 1200 grams AUW to extend the flight time past 8 min with all my FPV gear. I may end up going to 9x4.5 and 3300 4s to achieve this before im done. Remember lite, lite, lite, is the key to long flight times. I have broken this rule on every single mutirotor I have ever built then had to rebuild it in the end to get the performance I wanted. The center boom was changed from wood to aluminum as the wood double boom would flex in flight, epoxy may be used to glue the wood center boom to stiffin it. I also thought of using a layer for fiberglass between the two 1/2" booms to stiffen it but ended up going with aluminum instead, this added 20 grams to the weight over the wood center booms originally used. Here is the article on the Batbone X Quad with all upgrades made so far, I hope this helps.