Water Resistant FT-3D and ideas on coloring the new water resistant foam.


Junior Member
I've been planning on picking up a FT-3D to be an inexpensive and durable 3D plane for me to tear up the sky with. I'm probably going to wait on buying the speed build kit until y'all offer it with the new foam so that it'll last much longer and hang on my wall proudly.

I'm also wondering if anybody has gotten any ideas on how to color the new water resistant foam? I'm sure there are options out there such as rattle can paint, or possibly monokote. I'd love it if y'all would make a video about this so that my FT-3D and possible future scratch builds can have custom color schemes too! It would make it easier to tell it's orientation when airborne and make it look cooler than flying a 3D cardboard box.