A bunch of big ft planes. My 120inch 40lb guinea pig, I'm in the middle of building a 200% bronco and I just printed the plans for a 200% bee
I live in Roseville, CA and just completed my first FT build, the FT Simple Storch. I purchased the quick build kit and power pack at the recent Flitefest West. I've built and flown a couple of drones (not FPV racing, ones with camera and gimbal) but this is my first fixed wing build. Now need to find a place to fly it.
Welcome! FFW was awesome.
I follow i a couple guys on social media that live in that area. This parking lot is a spot i have bookmarked that i know some of them fly fpv and los at, should be a quick drive for you:
Thanks, I'll have to check that place out as its really close to where I live. I also may try to join this club
I had a few lessons there on a fixed wing last year but did not get around to building one of my own until recently
David here, in Roseville, flying at AMOS RC Club in Lincoln when I get a chance to.
I have a Hobbyzone Super Cub that I love flying. I just maidened my new E-flite T-28 Trojan 1200mm this weekend and it is awesome. I also usually have two swappable planes either built or under construction at any time. I love FT designs and am enjoying coming up with my own spin offs.
I use a Spektrum Dx6i radio.
I have a family that I dedicate almost all my free time to but boy do I love flying when I get out there.
I live in Seattle Washington! Due to weather during the winter, late fall and early spring I generally fly my HBZ sport cub s indoors at a local indoor club. During late spring to mid fall I fly bigger foamies outside at any of my local parks. I currently fly a FT Simple Storch, a Baby Brit, a FT Mini Arrow and a UMX Habu that is being glued back together at the moment. I also have several projects Im working on, a Slope Soaring version of the Baby Brit, an FT duster I didn't get a chance to build at FFW, and a tiny trainer from a STEM challenge at FFW. Here are some pictures of the planes I normally fly.
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Hey Darrel,Healdsburg CA
My name is Darrel and I currently have a working arrow, I fly at Barberi Bros park on the north end of town and sometimes in Santa Rosa off of Nothpoint parkway. It would be great to meet up with anyone from Sonoma county sometime.
That's May 2020? I'm in Pomona and fly a few gliders, although my main needs a new elevator.If anybody is into slope soaring just thought i would share here about an event coming up in May, its our annual camp n fly event just below santa cruz. Most of the camp spots are taken but just speak up and somebody will let you stay in there site with them. Great couple of days of non stop flying and no worrying about batteries.