What does Peter have against rudders?!


New member
Why would you go through the trouble of adding ailerons without rudder?

Why does literally every plane not have an actual working rudder?

I don’t even understand how you are supposed to land one of these planes in any wind stronger than a good fart.


Elite member
Which planes are you thinking of? I think Peters most famous plane is probably the Guinea Pig and that has a big rudder. The majority of FT planes do too, I think. Some don’t, or it’s optional, and I feel like that’s fine. The Bloody Wonder has an optional rudder, so I added it, but it didn’t do much, so I omitted it on my next build.


New member
I’ve been a long time fan. Don’t get me wrong, but for the life of me I don’t understand why the B25 doesn’t have rudders. There are a couple others that I can’t think of off the top of my head but that one really sticks with me. In most of his videos he doesn’t have rudder control either and instead opts to use aileron elevator control.


Elite member
Half the time I fly a plane with a rudder and I forget that they‘re there and end up just banking&yanking. Then I get used to using them and go back to flying one without them, and I use my ghost rudder the whole time. 😂

On the B-25, I’ll bet that doesn’t have a rudder because it’s a double tail, so it would require more complex linkages, and since you can get yaw control with differential thrust, they probably felt like they didn’t need it. But yeah, overall I like having a rudder when it’s available.


You are correct. banking and yanking on approach is a good way to tip stall and "plant" your plane DAMHIKT

PS two servos could be linked together via a Y cable. Hmmmm.. Both would have to be on the same side of the rudder(s).


Active member
When I used to fly competition combat with coroplast planes, we didn’t have a servo on the rudder, crank and bank.


Master member
The need for a rudder does rather depend on the planes configuration.
It is quite common for an EDF fighter type to fly bank and yank as they tend to have big fixed fins and small ailerons.
A Super Cub on the other hand simply will not turn bank and yank. It needs a lot of rudder to over come its pronounced adverse aileron yaw.


Flite is good
You are correct. banking and yanking on approach is a good way to tip stall and "plant" your plane DAMHIKT

PS two servos could be linked together via a Y cable. Hmmmm.. Both would have to be on the same side of the rudder(s).
You don't need to use the same side of the rudder when you use two servos. Put them on a "Y" cable, and use servo arms on opposite sides of the servos. Then pushrods to either inside or outside of each rudder.


Master member
I’ve been a long time fan. Don’t get me wrong, but for the life of me I don’t understand why the B25 doesn’t have rudders. There are a couple others that I can’t think of off the top of my head but that one really sticks with me. In most of his videos he doesn’t have rudder control either and instead opts to use aileron elevator control.
I mean, with the B-25, or any other twin you can have differential thrust to handle yaw (provided you have an RX with enough channels and a TX that can handle the mixing.) It's less weight than a servo or a linkage since you already have to have 2 ESCs and it keeps the tail lighter. Of course, if you have an engine-out, you might have a bad time.