What is the range of quadcoptors

I am new to flight tests. I am exploring to build a quadcopter for testing.
what is the maximum range that can be achieved by these multirotors.
what should be the configuration of the quadcopter to carry a payload 1 Kilogram( 2.2 lbs. ) to achieve maximum range.


Dedicated foam bender
Welcome to the forum! Maybe a little more info is warranted for us to give you good advice.
What is the payload? If it's a camera, you'll need different equipment than if it's just an inert payload since a camera would want a more stable platform.
What kind of flying are you planning on doing? Acrobatic or aerial video require very different setups to do correctly.
Also what other features are you needing? Anything like waypoints, return to home, self level?


Bought Another Trailer
Staff member
It all depends on what motors you use, which propellers you use with the motors, and what battery system you use.

It also depends on the radio system(s). Certain frequencies for transmitters for light control work further than others.

Also if you're flying FPV (which is assumed since you seem to be looking for long range) each of those systems vary widely as to how far they "reach".
I sincerely thank you for quickly replying. You rightly guided me that I should a use a camera. With this camera, to start with, I would like to see that the copter takes off smoothly - travels around - and returns back to my place. It is after practicing for a little while, I shall plan to advance further. So, a camera with its stable platform may be treated as the payload.
Expecting an answer to my question. Thanks once again.
I sincerely thank you for quickly replying. As of now, I am planning to procure all the required material to fly a copter. I wish to get the benefit from your experiences and expertise. Assume that I am a beginner in this field. Kindly suggest me - as to how to choose the required devices. As for as my background is concerned, I am fairly good at Hardware [ microcontrollers and device drivers etc.. } and to some extent software programming, - with lot of enthusiasm to enter into this area.
Expecting a similar quick reply.
I sincerely thank you for quickly replying. As of now, I am planning to procure all the required material to fly a copter. I wish to get the benefit from your experiences and expertise. Assume that I am a beginner in this field. Kindly suggest me - as to how to choose the required devices. As for as my background is concerned, I am fairly good at Hardware [ microcontrollers and device drivers etc.. } and to some extent software programming, - with lot of enthusiasm to enter into this area.
Expecting a similar quick reply.


Misfit Multirotor Monkey
Lots of good answers about the variables needed to travel far.

I'm also assuming you're suggesting a medium to large quad (650-950mm).

So. . . if efficiency can be maximized and the speed is kept most efficient, probably around 25mph, and since a stationary highly efficient multirotor can stay aloft in a hover for around 130 minutes, my wild guess would be to drop that 2 hours and 10 minutes by 40% for carrying a 2.2lb load. Drop another 30% for forward velocity. And without factoring in wind and assuming a nice heavy air chilly day near sea level, not too cold to effect the batteries, makes it around 40 minutes of travel time @ 25mph for a tad over 16 miles or an 8 mile radius. :rolleyes:

In reality though, you're probably really looking at a 3-4 mile radius if you take some care regarding efficiency.