Help! Which kit to buy from Aliexpress ?


New member
wow, what have you been doing for 3+ years?

Working on microcontrollers' projects.

But there's a student told me today there's a guy who sells drone parts, I thought that anything related to drones is prohibited in Saudi Arabia.

Anyway let me check what he has ?


New member
The system I know is that if I want to get a professional drone with a camera, then I have to get a permission from the general authority of civil aviation. But if it's not a professional drone, then it's ok to buy its parts.

For some time there are resellers who sell semi-professional drones for very high prices, where I can get similar ones + custom DIY kits which I love for way less money.


New member
I've revised our custom authority rules and restrictions about drone parts.

The section about drones has two different sub-sections: one about having a camera and without one.

The camera sub-section says this one requires a permission from the authority, the second one is blank. So I think I shouldn't have any problems buying a drone parts without a cam.


I have a questoin:

I'm surfing on banggood and other websites: what's the difference between a micro and mini motors ?