Which transmitter should I buy?
That is a question often asked and understandably so. This hobby has historically been cost prohibitive for many and the transmitters alone are a large part of the investment.
Therefore, some forum members have assembled the most recommended transmitters available to aid in making that decision. By all means if there are any questions, please do not hesitate to ask. This thread is meant to provide information but not to discourage questions. Please don't feel pressured by the mere title of this thread. These are only suggestions/recommendations. In the end it's your money/your call. Whatever you decide, you will find support here to make the best of your decision.
Below is the transmitter index. It shows transmitter systems that have been covered in this thread and the post in which post they're found. It is not meant to be an all inclusive list nor cover every aspect of the radios discussed but rather to outline the sub-$500 radios we recommend so often and why. Again, if there are concerns, questions, or suggestions please do post them.
A special thanks to RKAR, rfd, RCdiy, & Ray K who've gotten this thread started with some excellent and substantive content. Thank you.
Transmitter Index
Spektrum---Post #2
Jumper-----Post #3
FrSky------Post #4
Graupner---Post #5
Hobby King-Post #6