Who would you like to hear on the FT Community Podcast?


Beginning with Episode 3 of the Community Cast, we want to feature members of our community who folks find particularly interesting and helpful. If there is anyone from the FT community that you'd like to hear on the podcast, please name them here and give a brief explanation as to why they are of interest to you. We want to represent the community as a whole, not just our own personal interests.

Thank you!!!


Senior Member
craftydan, nerdnic, and balu because they have helped some many of us when we were/are newbies. I think it would be fun to hear from some of the guys who are over in Europe and Australia too.


New member
jhitesma and joshuabardwell for their technical knowledge.

Or do a "column sort" on the forum membership by number of posts they've contributed.
Anyone who makes the first two pages (60 members at 700+ posts) would be a good podcast guest.

Another question is technical.
What is needed in the way of equipment or software to participate in the podcast?
Is there a special USB Microphone?
Is this recording done over a specific native program or web application?

Just curious...
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We use fairly inexpensive microphones (Mine is not USB-standard mic jack), talk over Skype and Joel records in Garageband.


Builder Extraordinare
For the last podcast I simply used my iphone earbuds with microphone. Quality was good enough as a guest, as I was told by Joel. Dan and Keegan +1!


Fly yes... land no.
Your right Andre... If he won't get on the FTAH podcast, we don't have a chance... The Flyingmonkey has much more important things to do like name drop... LOL!!!

Nothing to do with the fact he does not like me either. I mean you saw how he taunted me all last winter.


Fly yes... land no.
For reference this is all in good fun. Fred is awesome and I don't get to talk to him nearly enough.


Monkey/Bear Poker
For reference this is all in good fun. Fred is awesome and I don't get to talk to him nearly enough.

Oh, I agree Andre... Fred is a great guy. He just has a lot on his plate. I bet you can get him on soon.

We would like to at some point as well.


Rogue Pilot

I'm sure there is a way to get Fred on the podcast!


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
Mac, are you and Luis suggesting I kidnap Fred?!?

I dunno about that . . . he's a Park Ranger . . . and not the lazy kind . . .

I'd more likely end up tied to a tree in the woods with my own rope :eek:

. . . and then I can see he'd voluntarily join in the podcast just for spite.


Winter is coming
Hahah, Dan, I would never suggest we commit a felony in against Ranger Fred.... but, then, it's not a felony to "borrow" a magic-like flying monkey right?

You do have a point there with baiting said monkee... which I guess I'm doing my associating him with the singing, television based sort.

In all seriousness though, it'd be great on a personal level to hear about what you've been up to in GA.