I know that the title is a bit bold, but....
At 1:20 in the video where they released that speed build kits, they said that if the scratch build plans aren't free, we can unsubscribe to them and call them bad. And now to get the newest build plans, you have to pay a membership. Sorry if this was a bit dramatic. Share your thoughts.
They did not lie about plans being free. They have put out hundreds since I been following them. With the community releases people have done that is nearly ten fold.
By putting the plans behind the FTCA on that server they are protecting their intellectual property from companies like Vector, Banggood and several others we have found directly copying FT designs. The money you pay goes to FTCA which allows access to the STILL free plans that are just stored in a safer place. Thus making it less likely some Scumbag company will just take their designs and mass produce copy kits or actual planes. Specially with the Monster and Master series plans starting to become available. Even if it can be twisted into you are paying for the plans $28 dollars a year to have unlimited access is not bad for the amount of plans you have access to.
So to again answer the statement they lied. They fully and honestly have not.
Look at it like this. You just baked cookies for the last 8 hours. Would you want the ENTIRE neighborhood to have access to your cookie jar if a select few people grabbed most of them and set up a cookie stand up the street to sell them? Not sure about you but my cookies stay in the family hehe.
On some level I personally do no
Try this link: there are tons of free plans. https://forum.flitetest.com/index.php?resources/Some people that have given you free stuff for a decade “lied”?
Gratefulness is the most valuable of virtues.
t mind the change of them charging for plans, etc. They've been at this a long time and come a long way. And honestly business needs are going to change. PLUS, they have a valid reason for taking this route.
On another thing though...this right here is one thing that FT is kinda bad for. In the moment of excitement or whatever is going on, they make statements of things to come, future ideas, etc etc. and sometimes they don't materialize. I know there's been a few instances where this has happened. Never seen them make any more videos on their gas powered Hangar 9 Stik and I'm pretty sure they said they would make more videos featuring it, working with gas engines, etc. And I know there are some other examples as well.
Regardless of these little things, I got no major hard feelings with them. They have done a lot for me and the hobby.
Sorry I think that was a bit dramatic. I guess you are right. Sorry for the drama.
You can say that again. 🤣All good mate.. I am HUGELY known for doing that very thing hehe
The rest of the plans from before this are still free. Check the resources section or the list of plans that Sponz made.Oh... I was wondering why all-of-the-sudden I could not find any of the plans. Sad, but I understand the reason.
Hey guys, please know that not releasing plans is something that was NOT an easy decision. If there was a way to put plans in the hands of hobbyist and prevent counterfeit products the team would be all for it.
Buying FT kits outside the US is perhaps difficult, but I would think there are alternative shipping options.收费是可以理解的。我们为保护和承认他们的知识产权付费。但是,由于没有新的免费图纸,对于我们这些不在美国又买不到他们产品的发烧友来说,真的很苦恼。一直都是初出茅庐的小海盗,但是没有图纸。
https://ftca.flitetest.com/ftca-membership/is there a link to joining the FTCA
many thanks
But unfortunately "the good guys" often don't know of flitetest and then go and by a kit from another company.For making cheap copies, just buy a kit, scan the parts and make your cutting file. No need for an elaborate drawing, selecting, modifying and positioning parts.
I think, you are just hurting the good guys.