Wife is changing her mind on the chair finish, so I'm on to the covering now!
First cover the bottom. Then cut out the servo control horn slots, center the servos and install the control horns before moving on to the top. Also I'm not doing a final shrink to take all the wrinkles out until both sides are covered so it doesn't warp the wing.
Since the top of the wing tip has a more pronounced compound curve, I covered them next. It's better to have a little seam along the rib there than try to cover the whole top in one piece and end up with a wrinkled mess.
Then the rest of the white...
And finally the red. It looked like a solid opaque covering in the pack but is a little translucent - it's Aerolite from Steven's Aeromodel, not the covering Willy Nillie's ships. Honestly though, I like showing off a bit of the structure inside so I don't mind this effect at all.
Next I'm going to try finishing line hinges for the first time!