A little update: I still have not forgotten about mounting this little bird on floats. I figured us folks in the northern hemisphere are nearing the end of float flying season so I better get cracking on it... but, it appears that in the process of some serious workshop reorganization and cleaning, the unfinished floats have disappeared
I'm not too pissed about it though. I needed to make a whole new set of templates to build the ribs for the other float and the one float that already had its ribs installed had some fitment issues anyhow. If I'm going to have to do that much work, I might as well use it to just make nicer floats. I'm a bit indecisive on how to proceed now - I want the nice balsa floats, which would probably be lighter and both more convenient to mount and to add internal weights to, not to mention being more straightforward to finish. But foam floats, they're just so cheap and
I also made the mistake of losing the screws that go into the float hardpoints. I knew I should have just stored them in the damned airplane. Yay, more stuff I get to buy!