Well, the kit arrived today so I may as well get cracking on it! I finished building my buddy's Slick and cleared my Citabria re-build off the table for a couple days, so the attention now is on the Build Along.
This kit is in it's beta phase, and so far it's not been too difficult without instructions. I did print the basic step-by-step from the Willy Nillies website, but the design of the Cub is a bit different as it uses stringers top & bottom instead of sheeting. I also had to do a little head-scratching to figure out the battery box door and some details regarding joining the wings. It looks like there is supposed to be sheeting for the top & bottom of the wings, but there was none with the kit so I'll use sheet from my own stash to make it work.
I do like how easily the wings go together, although it would be easy to build a little twist into them if the builder isn't careful.
Last, instead of taking tons of pics and blah, blah, blahing about each one I'm going to play with my GoPro instead and do a time lapse. Here's Part 1: