Winter 2025 Indoor Flight Challenge


Techno Nut
I challenge ye all to get IN and fly! It's winter, it may be nasty outside, there may not be daylight, it may be windy as all get out, but certainly you can find some place(s) to fly some thing(s) this winter.

Post up pictures, videos, whatever ya got of where and what you are flying INDOORS this winter!



Techno Nut
I will start off with my first indoor fly of the season in Marion Ohio. The "Marion Airfoils" club hosts winter fly-ins at the Marion Veterans Memorial Coliseum from 5PM to 8PM. All welcome with a $10 fee. Remaining dates are January 5th/19th, Feruary 12th/27th, and March 5th/9th.


What did i Fly:
ZOHD drift LOS/FPV (walksnail)
Night Vapor LOS
Santa on his Shen Drones Danaus LOS
Custom Whoop FPV Analog

What did I Crash
ZOHD Drift. three times! WHOOP WHOOP. First was a bad throw on first launch. Got T-boned by a tiny RC car and 1/10th scale rc truck. 2nd as a ghost cable hanging down from an overhang, third was loss of tail function from previous crash damage which then took out the right wing.

Honerable mention crash was intentionally flying the Night Vapor under a hovering 5" quad and watching the down draft smack it down HARD.




EDIT: Remember to disable all GPS and RTH modes if you are flying indoors. You don't want your plane/drone to try to return to home while indoors.... Just sayin'
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Techno Nut
Sweet! What's the stall speed of your Drift, @LitterBug ? I've always wanted to try one indoors.
It's TOO FAST for this venue.... I thought it would be perfect, but as slow as it is outdoors, It needs a LOT of room indoors. Developing Walksnail video now. :) First crash with the RC Car and truck was actually after first LOS flight and landing to put the headgear on.


Techno Nut
If U R in northern Indiana, I highly recommend this jewel of a place in Crown Point.

This was one of my many depron 1s wonders in Naperville Il.
We used to have a golf dome like that on the east side of Columbus. There was a 2nd level of tee boxes which doubled the take off/flying positions. the place was ALWAYS totally packed.

From 8 years ago:
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