FTFF 2016 Building Series: Information and your questions answered


Builder Extraordinare
So, Patrick and I should get fitted for our "lovely assistant" outfits. Are you partial to the classy Vanna White look or would you prefer something a bit more along the lines of burlesque magician's assistant. I just want to know how much waxing I need to do :cool:

Do what makes you comfortable ;)


Winter is coming
Yep this is getting weirder by the minute.

Despite the conversation devolving slightly to the stylistic possibilities of the Lovely Assistants, I'd so totally sign up for all the sessions, if it weren't for my plans to volunteer and try to fly between helping out.


Builder Extraordinare
I believe, at least last year, ideally you would only be volunteering for 2-3 hours each day. With the sessions over multiple days you can still participate with plenty of flying/fun time.


There seems to be some conflicting information regarding the schedule. My tickets for the Friday hotwire 101 and 102 classes say 9:30 to 10:30 and 10:30 to 11:30, respectively. However, on the latest schedule on the FliteFest site, these classes show one hour later each.

Which is correct?

I have been in contact with Andre to give him our schedule, since we are signed up as volunteers, and I want to make sure I have the times correct.



Builder Extraordinare
Ok, first, I apologize for missing this question. I'm pretty good about keeping up with the forums but clearly I've slacked off here... Please forgive me.

The schedule as-posted on the website is the current update. It was decided to make my sessions for only one day. This was after it was decided to have a very large tent for the Building series. This allowed for larger audiences at one time to get as many folks involved as possible. I'm sure that Andre is aware of the building series schedule so I would think he will accommodate you.


Builder Extraordinare
We are one month away and there are still seats available for many build series sessions.

Also, for my Hot wire cutting 102 session, I am in need of additional foam cutting setups. Officially we have 6 and are working on additional ones. Any additional help here would be greatly appreciated. Shoot me a PM if you are able to chip in.