Hey From IA


New member
Just wanted to stop and say hello. I started flying RC about two years ago, and with the help of FT's You Tube videos i now get to have a blast flying with my dad and brother all the time. We have had plenty of good times together flying, building, and crashing. We all started with the tiny trainer and now have a whole fleet of FT planes hanging around the workshop. My current favorite is the sportster and i just started flying my first twin, the mini cruiser. At first i didn't have interest in quads at all, but the gremlin caught my eye due to all the assembly and customization possible. I have the gremlin built and am currently learning that. After watching jealously the last couple years, I hope to bring my family to flite fest next year to take in that experience. I'v lurked around the forums since we started but wanted to join in on the community now and am hopeful that i can get/give help to other members. Thanks to FT for what they give to this fun hobby.
Jesse in Iowa
Welcome to the forums! I also had no interest in quads when I started but I have since built a tiny whoop and I just bought a nighthawk 280 pro and I've had a blast flying both!