Newbie to Flying, Building, and Flite Test...These guys are awesome!


New member
I usually don't post on forums but felt compelled to do so today because of the amazing customer service I have received from the Flite Test Store. I had a couple of issues with some components I purchased for a build and I feel they have really gone above and beyond to help me out and fix the issues. I am blown away by the speed of response to emails and the eagerness to help. Thanks Flite Test Team! My son and I will get this foamie in the air as soon as the parts arrive.


An impatient enthusiastic newbie and his son


Same! I got two bad motors in a row and they replaced them both with no complaints. They actually seemed eager to help. Thats not something found a lot in america these days.


Wonderfull! It's great to see a father and son getting into the hobby together. I hope you make some wonderfull memories with that "silly foam airplane"! :D


Skill Collector
Welcome to the forums John (and son)!

Make sure to come back and let us know how the building and flying experience goes, and feel free to ask questions about anything that's puzzling, frustrating, or seems just plain weird. There are lots of folks around here who will be happy to help get you in the air and making great memories! :)


New member
Update...I received the new motor and voila! it works like it is supposed to. We actually got to maiden the diy plane we designed this does fly, the problem is we are terrible pilots. We did some repairs and will try again this evening. Woohoo


Faster than a speeding face plant!
Film it! :)

If you film it, and post it, we may have suggestions for how to tweak it to help with your piloting skills. :)