Simple Stick ; FT design vs Hangers design


Well-known member
Hi Everyone,

I have been curious about the Simple Stick. I know that the Simple Stick has been out for a couple years now. For the folks that have built this plane, which design to you like ? Which design have you flown ? It would be great to hear from the folks that have built both planes. I like both designs. They look very simple to build. That is what drew me to this plane. Simple. :) I know that you can get the FT Simple Stick plans being a FTCA member. Right now, I can't remember were I found Hanger's design. Could be on the resource page. :unsure:

It would be great to hear thoughts about this design. FT vs Hanger. Just having some lite harden fun. :cool:


Active member
I have build both and both fly excellent. The only difference is when I built the Hanger Simple Stick, I made wing symmetrical, instead of flat bottom. However, I don't think it really matters on the Hanger's Simple Stick, I think it would fly great either way.
You really can't go wrong with either plane.

Here is the Resource for the Hanger Simple Stick.

And the Discussion thread


Active member
There's also this one which I just built. Previously I had built the FT Simple Stick and enjoyed it, but a bad elevator servo did it in.

I really liked how the wing mounted in this one. I also liked the possibility of flaps, although I didn't implement them.


Master member
I've only built the Hangar's design, but I can tell you it flies great! It was pretty docile with a B pack, but I wanted to give it more power so I upgraded it to a C pack, which made it able to do more aerobatics and climb vertically pretty easily.

I built it with the flat bottom wing, so it probably doesn't fly inverted as well as the FT Simple Stick or any other stick with a symmetrical wing, but I haven't found that to be a problem.


Well-known member
Hi Everyone,

Thanks guys for sharing your experiences. Has anyone played around with a different main wing on the Stick fuselage ? Maybe something like a Scout wing ? Or maybe even an Explorer wing with dihedral ? It could be fun to see how the wing can change how the plane flies.

Please keep bring your experiences,