Naze32 with Neo-6M weird issue.


Senior Member
Thanks for the info. Boom
But why they dont just combine them together and focus at the same thing....

I think its in the "just" part ;) Probably non trivial to achieve, and like I said, CF dev(s) arent too interested in GPS stuff, as it doesnt add a lot for miniquads.

I also suspect there might be a resource problem on the naze, with not enough memory/processing power. Keep in mind we are talking 20Kb of ram. Your smartphone probably has ~3000000Kb
Maybe the F3 boards have enough spare capacity. A whopping 48Kb ;)


Junior Member
I've been flying Harakiri with a Ublox 6m for over a year now. The GPS hold and RTH both work well..... ....when they work.

I'd say that they work about half of the time, and while I never rely on them, I've wanted to be able to get a good position hold, just for loitering if I need to move myself to a location where I can see my quad. I've decided that at best, it's something to play with on occasion.


Junior Member
Even when it doesn't work, I'll usually have 9 or more sats locked. I've decided that it must be software based, but couldn't support that with much evidence if pressed for it.