Naze32 ws2812 LED


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
I have get some ws2813 led chips,
could the ws2813 use the same code as the ws2812b?


Well, probably.

Looking at the spec sheets for these, the command formats are pretty much identical, but the timing is a bit . . . different. The W2812B's spec a reset command (which is effectively "no new commands, so go ahead and follow orders") of 50us or more, where the WS2813 specs the reset pulse at 5 times longer -- 250us or more. (and supposedly the longer reset allows you refresh the new LEDs faster?!?)

On the positive side, this reset latch is a minimum time, so the longer it takes the processor between color changes, the better. I'm not sure what the *flight's refresh rate is, but it's probably slow enough it will work with either chip set.

What Psy says, still holds true, though -- you'll need to drop the 5v power most ESCs provide to be within a few tenths of a volt above the Flight Control Board's logic level. Adding in a signal diode inline with power is a good way to drop 0.7v and more often than not, is enough.

If the current draw from too many LEDs becomes an issue, using an adjustable regulator trimmed to ~4v is a better strategy. My typical go-to part for the task:
One of these inline should be plenty to drive the 32 LEDs a *flight board can address.