Starting a RC Aeronautics STEAM course at my school


New member
I am very excited to announce that I received a grant to start up a RC Aeronautics STEAM (STEM) course at my high school (in Ashland, OH). I am just waiting to receive a check so that I can start making the purchases and get the class off the ground (no pun intended). :)

Keep your fingers crossed that things go well and that the course is a big hit.

Ashland, OH


New member
Good luck, Dwight!

Interested to hear how you:
- pitched the idea to your administration
- plan to deal with insurance (we've been utilizing the AMA's free youth membership to cover the kids, and registering each school as a flying field with our local AMA chapter to cover the school... you could also use AMA's UMASC program)
- plan to structure your course

The reason I'm interested: we've been working to find straightforward answers to those questions in NJ.

If you have a few minutes, check out the afterschool program my local FPV Racing Club is collaborating with NJ schools to develop: Safety Third Racing Academy.

It would be great to learn from each other!

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