flite fest 2017

  1. KMechie

    New guy - doing budget for FliteFest East

    (mods can delete)
  2. R

    Flite Fest 2017 Dates

    I have googled and googled but have not been able to find dates for Flite Fest 2017. Maybe I should have used Bing...... Anybody know what the dates will be this year or has the FAA and DHS squashed it?
  3. HilldaFlyer

    FF2017 Int. Racers: Crosby CR-4

    Well, I finally made a decision for a racer Crosby CR-4 The plan is to build close to 1/3 scale which puts the wingspan just over 60". Construction will be made primarily with foam core skinned with fiberglass. The rest will be figured out as I go.