
  1. mayan

    FTFC24: Build-ruary by Mayan (Build Skill: 4 Skilled, Pilot SKill: 4 not crashing enough)

    Hey everybody this will be the third time that I am participating in @FoamyDM 's challenge. The first year I out did myself building and maidening somewhere between 12-14 planes. The second time I participate I failed completly and build maybe one plane. This year I am going in the middle and...
  2. AgentC

    FTFC24: Buildruary Build-off Challenge by AgentC

    FTFC24: Build-ruary by AgentC (Build Skill: 2.48 Decent, Pilot SKill: 1.25 Novice) MinimumRC B-25 EZ Bi-Plane (My Own Design) Mighty Mini Fogey (But a Bi-Plane Attempt) Tiny Trainer (old SBK that needs to be made) FT Slow Stick S250 I am still relatively new to the scene, gaining entrance...