
  1. B

    Dead voltage reg on Magnum FC

    I have an emax hawk 5 (Magnum stack) and after it fell out of the sky today I realised the Board wasn’t booting up. The ESC was outputting Vbatt but a multimeter on the 5v outputs on the FC showed only 1.5v. When plugging in the USB, everything booted normally. I’m guessing I have a dead voltage...
  2. J

    Engine not working properly. Please help!

    Hi, I'm from an Aerodesign team and we own 2 Magnums .61 XLS engines. We used to attach them to APC 12,25x3,75 propellers because we need to obtain the most thrust available and it was the best propeller for this engine is these considerations. The combination between engine and propeller used...