plane crash

  1. Belial2801

    Help! Recommendations for the first flight

    Hi sorry if my english is bad. Yesterday I flew my plane for the first time (ft simple cub) and I had some problems, the first is that when taking off from the ground you can see that it is going directly to the left (I took off from further back but I lost that recording), in the following...
  2. CustomRCMods

    Listen to what your plane is trying to tell you!! (ESC Fire)

    Was recently flying my FT Mini Vector, (running a SunnySky 2207s 2100kv paired with a 6x4.5x3 prop). The ESC was a ZTW 30a, usually plenty for most any park flyer in terms of amperage capacity. I noticed multiple throttle cutouts in my first pack, but thought nothing of them and let the...