user challenge

  1. AgentC

    FTFC22: Build-ruary by AgentC

    FTFC22: Build-ruary by AgentC (Build Skill: 2.48, Pilot SKill: 1 New Pilot) FT Mini Scout (with Floats) FT Tiny Trainer - Trying to get a 4-channel under 250g EZ Series: EZ Bronco EZ Series: EZ Glider I am relatively new to the scene, gaining entrance through the EZ series and getting a DX6e...
  2. FoamyDM

    FTFC22 - Build-ruary Build Challenge

    February is FT-Build-Ruary Month! Hi All, Lets welcome another flying season, ready to go! Once Again, I challenge all here to turn February into FT-Build-Ruary So Many Planes So Little Time: I, like most folk in this community, have a LONG build list of planes I would LOVE to build. Since I...
  3. FoamyDM

    FTFC20 - April Showers Challenge

    FTFC20 - April Showers Challenge Simple - Build a Waterproof Plane and Fly in the Rain or on a waterbody! OFFICIAL RULES: Make a Build log that contains the following: (100 pts) Plane name (10 pts) plans link (5 pts) statement of why you chose it (5 pts) stats (5 pts) build log - (40 pts)...
  4. Hondo76251

    How Many Landings on One Battery?

    How many times can you take off and land on a single battery? Here's my first attempt: The plane is UMX Timber, the battery is 280mah 35c 2 cell I was able to get 32 landings (and one go around :ROFLMAO:) in about 12 minutes. The video is a single take but sped up for time sake... (5 min of...
  5. FoamyDM


    MARCH MADNESS CHALLENGE: Finish one of your in-active build logs you started and dropped over a month ago. Goal of the Challenge: To pick up that dropped ball and turn it into a slam dunk by finishing up an idle project and turning it into a complete build thread and to enrich the FT community...