
  1. Mid7night

    Plane Folkerts Speed King SK-3 "Jupiter" - FFW2017 Int. Racers Winner v1

    This was my entry into the "FTFF 2017 International Air races: Design-Off". 1/6 scale dimensions: Length: 42" Span: 33.3" Build thread here: https://forum.flitetest.com/index.php?threads/ff2017-int-racers-folkerts-speed-king-sk-3-jupiter.29616/
  2. G

    My FliteFest West 2017 Recap Video

    I had an absolute BLAST at FliteFest West this year. From meeting the crew and all the nice people to flying FPV and entering (and failing) in the final combat, it was a weekend to remember. Please do it again in Cali next year!! (I figured this belonged in the meetups category more than the...
  3. G

    New to the forum, just sayin' hi :)

    New to the forum, just sayin' hi - Check out my YT Vids :) Hey guys, So I've been watching FT on YouTube off-and-on forever (like probably since 2013), but since I'll be going to FliteFest West this year, I figured it'd be a good time to join the forum and see what's up. I'm 17 and live in...