Criticism of flite test quotes (no real offense meant, just being stupidly realistic)


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"use the table as your friend", Josh Bixler. (I hope that table isn't your only friend)
"I landed it", David Windestål. (Don't try to fool us with those sunglasses and your huge smile we know you crashed it)
"Mm", Josh Scott. (When you have no idea what the others are talking about)
"Quad", TJ. (This word is in every sentence he says)
"Rocket plane!" Josh Scott & Josh Bixler. (Sorry guys but your suprise intro was ruined by the fact the video was called rocket plane so everybody knew what was gonna happen before the video even started)
"Woah.h.h.h", Josh Bixler. (You know either something really good or really bad has just happened)