cnc needle cutter

  1. D

    Questions About the ERC TimSav CNC foam cutter

    Hey guys. I found the ERC TimSav CNC cutter a few weeks ago and I'm thinking of building it. I had some questions about the machine: 1)Is it worth it to make? If I want to make a foam cutter is this a good, reliable machine? 2) How much space does the CNC cutter take up? How big of a table do I...
  2. stingbee

    MPCNC iin the Philippines

    hello guys, i just want to ask advices from all of you on how do you mount , and where did you connect the brushless motor with esc on the mini-rambo 1.3 arduino board? attached herewith is my pics of my mpcnc from V1 Engineering..its very difficult for me to connect all of these...