I'm going to be bluntly honest with you here. I'm not trying to be rude or hard to get along with but you are the only eyes we have here... and you'll need to FREELY provide information about what's going on and where you are with your machines. Good photos (a cellphone camera is fine...) can help greatly to explain things so please get comfortable with taking -- and posting -- them... so we can help you without a lot of wasted time and misunderstanding.
The machine and board photos you shared in your first post show only an incomplete MPCNC (looks pretty good so far!) and a bare miniRambo board... that's a start but we'll need a steady stream of CURRENT information/photos to work with as we progress. I assume you've completed the MPCNC assembly and got it all wired up by now? If not, and you are having trouble with it, you really need to take this part of the discussion over to the MPCNC forums. I'd really like to see some photos of the completed machine before going too much further.
Assuming you have completed construction and wired up your new MPCNC, there are a number of things you need to do before you are ready to start cutting planes. Unfortunately, there is a fairly steep learning curve and you have no hope of cutting accurate plane parts until you know that your MPCNC is properly built and calibrated... and that you know how to set it up and operate it. So, forget the needle cutter for the moment... it is a separate system and has nothing to do with operation of the MPCNC.
Since you've indicated you want to use Estlcam, start with this webpage --
Estlcam basics -- and carefully work your way through EVERY STEP of the procedure. It walks you through configuring Estlcam, creating tools, bringing in a DXF plan, creating toolpaths, and creating/saving the gcode file. Whether it's a crown -- or a plane -- you need to be able to do this routinely and it requires some practice. Do not skip steps, do EXACTLY what each step says, and you should end up plotting a crown that will tell you a lot about how well you have set up, and understand, your new MPCNC. Until you can successfully create and plot the crown... you are not ready to start needle cutting airplanes.
Post a picture of it and we can all feel good about moving on. I build a lot of machines and still print the crown routinely... just so I'll know that the machine is operating the way I expected it to operate. These are from the FoamRipper machine I've just completed...
We're happy to help... but you're going to have to keep us up to speed about the issues/problems you're having. And, first things first... let's get your MPCNC running. Adding in the needle cutter, processing plans, and creating gcode for the planes you want to cut will come later.
Good luck!
-- David