flight controler

  1. L Edge

    Learn how to program a Flight Controller

    If you going to design a NYGAD jet, especially if it is rudderless, programming a Flight Controller will be needed(no, a gyro will not suffice) and it takes awhile to understand the coding. Rather than crash some time consuming version you build or 3D printed, start with a UFO. It is called an...
  2. A

    CC3D Issues, and flashing firmwares, Use Cleanflight!

    CC3D Flight Control Board Just put my quadcopter together with a CC3D Flight control board and it has trouble connecting to open pilot. So I flashed a cleanflight firmware onto my CC3D board, but not i cant figure out how to fix my channel mappings on it... If i can do it in the program that...
  3. T

    D - powerpack ESC

    Hello, could you tell me a bit more about the ESC that you provide in the https://store.flitetest.com/power-pack-d-standard-quadcopter/ powerpack D for quads ? Do they all have a BEC ? And another question (I'm kind of new here so I want to be sure) : are the compatible with every Flight...