
  1. Rockonmyfriend

    Water Resistant FT-3D and ideas on coloring the new water resistant foam.

    I've been planning on picking up a FT-3D to be an inexpensive and durable 3D plane for me to tear up the sky with. I'm probably going to wait on buying the speed build kit until y'all offer it with the new foam so that it'll last much longer and hang on my wall proudly. I'm also wondering if...
  2. S

    FT-3D, Pun Jet & Viggen ready for maiden

    My current FT line-up ready for maiden. Wanted to get some before pics in case they don't return in the same condition. All the plans were plotted and manually cut out of Adams (Dollar Tree/DG) foam board. The FT-3D is actually my second build for that plane. Tried flying the first one on a DX5e...
  3. A

    FT-3D Dirt Nap - A preferred weight question

    Today I was intending to maiden the scratch build of the FT-3D. It was a normal day, but it turned out to be my worse flying day out of my 'career'. I had strayed from the recommending build, deciding to use a smaller propeller, .0947EF prop, than the recommending 1200kv motor. I only have the...