ft mini mustang

  1. FT Mini Mustang

    FT Mini Mustang

    Another plane built as part of a group build. It didn't fly much more than a minute because I kept insisting to push inverted flight even though the plane was losing altitude fast because of little down elevator authority. I kept pushing until i hit the ground instead of rolling out of it. The...
  2. dehager

    Maiden Flight - FT Mini Mustang

    Hello Flite Test family... This is my first post on the FT Forums. Here is the maiden flight for my FT Mini Mustang built using a speed build kit. I have tried to keep the video post to one minute to avoid overall boredom. The airplane flies great and I couldn't be more pleased!!! Initial...
  3. StevenWinnen25

    Help! HELP!!! Turnigy 9x Connection problems

    Hi, I’ve been trying to fly my ft sparrow and new ft mini mustang yesterday and today but I’m having trouble with the connection. I’m using the same receiver for each plane, I’m just swapping it between the two. The receiver is the 8ch one that comes with my Turnigy 9x. With the sparrow I would...
  4. J

    Mini mustangs

    Here are my mini mustangs. I've yet to fly them I need a little more practice on the ft ripslinger I've built,it fly's it's self.i didn't even have to trim it out.just chuck it and fly. Thank-you Flight Test!!!!!!😂