lidl vulcan rc

  1. B

    First the Lidl Vulcan maiden, now the maiden of the all foamboard version - it was FAST!

    Hopefully you've seen my Lidl + foamboard Vulcan maiden, now here's the maiden of the all foamboard Vulcan that inspired my Lidl version. It flew really well, very fast, not slow and easy like my Lidl based one. Plans and the build blog article for this are linked below. 2 sheets of...
  2. B

    My Lidl Vulcan gets its MAIDEN!

    My Lidl/foamboard Vulcan gets its maiden! A little underpowered, but flies like a dream. It came out 300 gms all up, slow and easy to fly. Tomorrow I'll post the maiden of the original all foamboard version of the Vulcan that I based it on. That version came out at 480 gms, AUW but 160...
  3. B

    Part Two of my Lidl foam glider + foamboard Vulcan build. It's FINISHED!

    Part Two of my Lidl foam glider + foamboard Vulcan build. It's FINISHED! Maiden video will be here tomorrow and it flies like a dream. 😄. Watch this space.