
  1. telnar1236

    3D Printed MiG 15 64mm EDF Jet (Modular Plane)

    I haven't had too much time for building lately, so I've been doing a lot of designing instead. One the goals of my modular plane system was to be able to swap out the power systems on the jets for either a 64mm unit or a 70mm unit, but both the F-104 and modular jet trainer were too big and...
  2. Z

    Blunt Nose Versa or Spear 3D print mod

    I am interested in making a version of either the blunt nose versa or the spear that has 3d printed pieces to allow for wing removal. I am in the beginning stages of brainstorming this and am looking for input. Something like the Parrot Disco would be nice (as I imagine some cross spars/rods...