Just wondering if anyone has the f 35 master series plans? Can anyone provide a link or post the plans online? The f 35 master series I'm talking about is in this link. https://www.flitetest.com/articles/our-f35-design. The YouTube video with the F-35 plans no longer exists. Considering this was...
Stumbled across this image the other day and did some research and found minimal threads here on the forums and on rcgroups but did find a pseudo 3 view. Decided to put together a chuck glider version and it did surprisingly well.
Edit 2019-01-21
V2 build completed. Details below:
I recently built what I call a Boom Trainer fashioned after Andrew Newton's on YouTube. My question: What is the difference between the "pusher" prop and the regular ccw prop I'm using on my planes with the prop in the front.
Thank you
Jim G.