quad racing

  1. Andrea

    3D Printed Quadcopter V 1.0

    Hi, I'm printing my first quadcopter, I drawn all the stuff and now is under printing process, I choose orange for my first try: This is the render that i've made: I 'll keep this post updated as soon i finish to print some parts. I'm now looking for the Esc because there is not so much room...
  2. Maue

    Real flight quad racing

    I have investe in the real flight simulator to try and save time and money and find out what type of flying I actualy enjoy the most. But I recently came acrost rcgroups racing map and multi rotor racing copter. Both can be found on there website. Until that point I was not really enjoin the...
  3. S

    QAV250 Mini Quad FPV Racing - Chasing Charpu - 1080p60fps

    Here is my latest aerial video edit. Some fun racing with the crew from Aerial Grand Prix and Charpu. He's the one passing all of us. If you have the means, I highly recommend fullscreen on the 1080p60fps version, its silky smooth! With youtube's new ability to play back footage in slow speeds...