I need help with painting master series canopies. I know flat black looks great on most planes, but I would like to experiment. I’ve seen people paint theirs blue to simulate the sky or use metallic silver. Can anyone recommend a canopy style they really like? Also, has anyone tried using silver...
I recently finished the fuselage of my FT P-40, and it's my first time painting. I'm not happy with the color—it’s too dark and maybe a bit too shiny. I used Rust-Oleum Paint + Primer in Hunt Club Green Satin. Maybe I should have used a flat green. Anyway, I want a spray paint color similar to...
Would there be any negative affects of spray painting an antenna like these black so it better matches the miniquad? I'm thinking about some of the spray paint designed for plastic.
This is probably in the wrong category. Oh well. My apologies.
I have a plane designed by @RCSpaceFlight (can you tag people like on Twitter?) and I used it for my science fair project, which was: Which type of airfoil generates more lift: a KFm airfoil or a conventional airfoil? I ended up...