Been away from the hobby for a long while and much has changed, including sadly, my skills as a pilot. After pretty much wiping out a Mighty Mini Tiny Trainer kit I bought through the FT store, the wife suggested I just cut a bunch of spare parts at once. Smart woman.
I've got access to a 60W Universal Systems Laser with forced air ventilation/exhaust, as well as decent size filament and resin 3D printers. Gonna stick to foam at first until I can fly a trainer without crashing, but wondering if there's any caveats to laser cutting foam on this style laser system? I'm seeing lots of remarks (some contradicting) posted over time here about various laser systems, and wondering what the current "best practice" is?
I've got access to a 60W Universal Systems Laser with forced air ventilation/exhaust, as well as decent size filament and resin 3D printers. Gonna stick to foam at first until I can fly a trainer without crashing, but wondering if there's any caveats to laser cutting foam on this style laser system? I'm seeing lots of remarks (some contradicting) posted over time here about various laser systems, and wondering what the current "best practice" is?
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