CA Bill Banning Drones vetoed


Master Tinkerer
I can't decide if this is good or bad, anyway, its at lease good that someone vetoed something and not just worry about movie piracy like everyone else is.


Rogue Drone Pilot
I'm not great with law interpretation but to me it basically provides a means to charge an RC pilot with trespassing am I wrong? I guess I could see what their intentions are... they want to stop the "spy drones" (that don't actually exist). But it also affects someone just wanting to fly a small model in an empty parking lot. This law would basically make that person a criminal. The way it is written it seems like a gateway law. If they can pass that law maybe next they can add a revision that can include public parks.

Why can't they put their efforts into laws that address real problems? It is already illegal in california for someone to spy on another person in a private residence. If you want to check up on it, California penal code 647 (J) (1). Using a multi-rotor "drone" to spy on would be very difficult and completely impractical...they are loud, cumbersome, vulnerable, and unless you recover an HD recording device attached to it lack any visual detail...forget audio between the wind noise and prop wash.