Challenge: Multirotor tug o' war!


Junior Member
Build up some powerful 450 size or so quads (Dave can use a tri if he likes), attach a line between two with a flag in the middle, try to pull each other past a certain point. Mayhem will ensue, and fun had by all. Just a suggestion. Love the videos, keep them coming!


Senior Member
This sounds like a cool idea for sure. It has potential for carnage for the winner and looser, but would be very entertaining to see!


Senior Member
I still like the idea of a multi-rotor beer lift, er I mean Mtn Dew lift. Maybe they can get Mtn. Dew to sponsor it, and/or get royalties for them using it in a TV commercial. Josh DOES want to get on TV.


Hostage Taker of Quads
Staff member
I dunno . . . The 3D Robotics Hexa lost out against a *Glider*

And a small EPP one at that!