Differences Between Mk.I and Mk.II FT Mighty Mini DR1 Triplane?


Elite member
What are the differences between the Mk.I and Mk.II versions of the FT DR1 Triplanes? Just wondering.


New member
I am interested in the answer here too.

I THINK it is just the fact that foam board changes from the “brown paper covering” to the new MakerFoam v2 (white covering that accepts decals and paints better).

But I also see things about “Swappable Series” a lot and perhaps that predated the “power pod” stuff?

Anyway, I am curious too what the real answers are.


Make It Fly!
What are the differences between the Mk.I and Mk.II versions of the FT DR1 Triplanes? Just wondering.
There is only one version of the DR1 itself, as far as design.
If you're referring to MKR2, it refers the 2nd version of the FT Maker Foam foam board. It is white and water resistant, similar to the original FT foam board which is brown and water resistant. The first version of the white Maker Foam is no longer available via the FT Store, as far as I know.
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Elite member
I wonder if they addressed the CG problem. Mk.I has to be made VERY light in the tail to get the CG to balance. I've used 1/4" blue foam for the tail surfaces to reduce weight. I wonder if doing everything aft of the cockpit in 1/4" blue foam would help with Mk.I? Hmmm...