Flight tips

Built a Stagger Wing
33 inch wings
Flew it for first time this week. A little tail heavy first flight-seemed to squat a little on the turns. Landing was less than great.
Added some weight to the nose and it flew better. However landing was pretty hairy.
When I tried to flair to land well let’s say it banked hard and skidded in on a wing tip.

My guess is that the lower wing shadows the upper wing at high angles of attack and with the ailerons on the upper wing control was lost


I'm not too sure but I think one of the reasons why your plane stalled like the way it did is because of the leading edge isn't really curved. Once it gets to a certain angle of attack, I think the wing starts acting more like a flat wing where the upper surface doesn't contribute to making lift that much.

I hope this image helps explain


I know all wings stall at some angle of attack but for a more angular leading edge like that on your plane the angle of attack required to stall the upper surface of the wing lower than that of a wing with a curved leading edge and the stall is more violent I think.

Don't take my response too seriously as this is just my best guess and I'm defiantly not that qualified to solve that problem.


Master member
Good guess, probably what happened. Typically solved by changing upper wing incidence a degree or two less so the top wing stalls last and does a parachute effect. Loose a bit of lift, but handling at low speed improves so much. Popsicle stick on back edge of wing comes to mind