Good beginner sawppable


Distracted by flight
Hi all, I am just curious what anyone thinks about a good beginner swappable is. I am aware of the three pack and ft-22 and love them both, but would like to change it up a little but. Thanks, James

If you are already able to fly the FT Spitfire is the best next plane. It flies very stable and looks great.


The Storch is where its at. If you are looking for a beginner plane, this is for you. If you have experience flying, this is for you. If you want to tow a sailplane, this is for you. If you want to... Oh, you get the idea.

It will be available in the store, soon. This is the Hobbyzone Super Cub of the FT line. But, unlike the HZ SC, it is 4 channel with flaps and brushless motor. It will hang with a Multiplex Fun Cub - and fly slower. I'd bet money that it will outperform the new Sport Cub.

Yes, it is that good.


Distracted by flight
(George Takei Voice) Oh my! Ok, I think I like the idea of the storch. I saw bixlers post on Facebook about his wife flying her first plane and it being their new storch. I think that I will just get one of those then. Thanks, James