NASA's Air Traffic Control System for Drones


Active member

I read an article on that on NASAs web page about drone their traffic control and collision avoidance system while ago and the choice of picture on that article couldn't be more off..

That kind of wants me to don a shabby brown robe, then motion the author close, look them in the eye and go "These are not the drones you're looking for." with a little flourish of the hand. Then he'll look at me blanky and answer "These aren't the drones we're looking for. move along."

Because we all know the force holds great sway over the weak-minded.


Winter is coming
I don't see the problem with this... it's just research... and that's always good, in my opinion. It's also mostly research for the commercial World... not necessarily for hobbyists.

I found this intriguing enough:

I had also queued up a project for later that would hit my interest in amateur radio and RC with this sort of integration of ATC with my APM enabled plane/multirotor:

I'm not sure if this is where that research is taking place, but I thought this was an interesting article on NASA's Dryden UAS/UAV test facility:

BTW, I suspect that Peter Sripol was contracting with / helping NASA Dryden before he went to FliteTest... who knows, he might still be helping NASA out!

This image has Peter written all over it (Two gliders taped together, towed by a 747, launching a rocket?):
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