Newbie Alert


New member
Hello All,

I am an entrepreneur who absolutely loves technology. I have experience with 3d printing, some code, a lot of graphic design, quadcopters, 360 VR, web design, web marketing, analytics, fine art, animation, and a little photography. I've run across the posts here in the past which have been very helpful. Thanks and great to be on board.


Brian P. Yount
Username: Peeyount


Staff member
Hey Brian!
Welcome to the wonderful world of Forums!! WE are glad to have you on board! ;)
Looking forward to seeing you grow and learn in this wonderful hobby!

Blessings and happy flying friends!


Got Lobstah?
Site Moderator
Welcome aboard! Are you flying anything or working on something to fly?

I'm very interested in the 360 camera avenue and eager to see it become good enough to be real time and affordable enough to fly FPV or at least have a VR passenger who could look all around real time. What are your thoughts about this?


Aerial 360 video in real time is coming but it will take some time. The biggest issue is onboard stitching, which is what I suspect is holding up the Exo360. They really over promised & under-delivered. These videos require a lot of post production to make them look right.

The next issue is transmitting 8k video to the ground. This will likely have to go through big ground station connected to goggles, rather than directly to the goggles. At least at first.

My company, We Fly VR, is working on a great many things but this one is back burner right now. Very important, however & definitely on the radar.
