North Carolina Flite Test Flyers


Senior Member
The list is growing! While we haven't organized anything yet (one day...), this is the place to get in touch with your fellow Flite Test fanatics should you happen to live in (or around) the great state of North Carolina. Stop by, say hello, and we'll keep the directory updated should we choose to one day unite and start a revolution...or, you know, go fly some remote control models together.

NC Flite Test Flyers (so far) :

mrstamp80 - Sherrills Ford (Lake Norman)

meatay - Greensboro

FlyingEli14 - Statesville

jburchel - High Point

severed - Graham

Lorenzo - Greensboro

bstanley72 - Charlotte

phyber - Danville, VA

DaveA - Mooresville

sierra_bravo - Charlotte

rcflyer729 - Monroe

FeWolf - Fayetteville

BigAl07 - Clyde

iwlf - Mount Gilead

DRONE JONES - Greenville

Curins - Moore County (Pinehurst Area)

AandPmechanic - Newport

ncsky - Holly Springs

wizard122 - Charlotte

Denibqatlh - Gastonia

Hoyteq - Morrisville

dwight - Apex

CeRuLeaNBLu - Asheville

aeroncalover - Newton Grove

debay777 - Newport
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Senior Member
I know the area, just about 90 mins away. Do you fly with a club or do you have some favorite parks to buzz around in? You gonna go down to Woodruff, SC this Friday to meet the Flite Test crew? Only a couple of hours from where you're at.
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New member
We got a group of about 5 counting myself (2 others co-workers) that get together and fly at a church field right next to where we work. When that field is not available we go to the huge Carolina Renaissance festival parking field. Obviously end of sept. - nov. that is being used. One of the guys we fly with watches over the land for the owner, it's gated and private so we have our own 2500' x 1800' field to play in.

I didn't know they were gonna be in woodruff. Most likely triple tree, I met Josh and Alex and Joe Nall thi past year. It was a blast. We are planning a trip to Joe nall this year as well.

Anytime you are in the area let me know ahead of time, we'll meet up and fly.
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Senior Member
Sounds fantastic - that's gotta be a perfect flying field. And yes, it's at Triple Tree, they're shooting the episode for Peter's big guinea, I can't wait to meet the crew (it's actually this Saturday, the 10th). Thanks for the invite, I may have to take you up on it one of these days.
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Junior Member
Hey Lorenzo. I'm in Greensboro but at the moment I'm still learning to fly. I mostly fly at my parents old farm but am also considering the Greensboro club.


Senior Member
Great! I am actually planning to visit the Greensboro club for the first time this weekend. If you're available maybe we could meet up over there.


Junior Member
Lorenzo, I'm curious if you visited this weekend and if so how was it? I tore my knee up so I didn't get out :(


Senior Member
Sorry to hear that! I actually ended up not going - had friends and family visiting so I flew at Tanglewood in Clemmons instead. I'm going to try to make it this weekend.


Junior Member
I'm in High Point... still learning, but have built about 4-5 Flitetest designs and flown them... Most successful were the FT Flyer, the Nutball and the Delta... Still working on my first Mini. Flown twice... first time not enough up elevator... fixed that and today... too windy. Ended up in a tree.. At any rate, I fly in Thomasville at a school park near my house.


Senior Member
Sounds like you'll have the whole FT lineup before too long. That's great that you've got a place to fly near your house. I have to drive a few miles to get to a decent field where I won't bother anyone. If the weather is as good as they say it's going to be this weekend I will probably visit the Greensboro Radio Aeromodelers (GRAMS) Club. I will post something here towards the end of the week once I know for sure - or I can let y'all know if it's a worthwhile club (I've never joined one before and I'm a little wary as I have seen other clubs that over-regulate or look down on newcomers and kill the fun).
No... actually i dont fly at all i am still trying to make money to buy a trainer... i have to earn the money myself.. im 14 so i work by mowing but its cold now so no one need their yard mown :p .... im hoping maybe someone will read my thread and send me an old plane they dont want so i can fix it up and get flying


New member
Flyingeli, I am in Sherrills Ford (mooresville, lake norman side) Do you have anything at all? Have you built any planes?


Senior Member
A Cruiser eh? Good lookin' plane, I was going to make one of those but I opted for the Mini Guinea as my first twin. Statesville has a flying club - looks like they're having a swap meet soon, I may be able to make it down for that.